shadow of the almighty

Shadow of the Almighty: The Life and Testament of Jim Elliot

Category: Biography-Memoir

By: Elisabeth Elliot

Publisher: HarperOne

Price: PHP 348.00

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This book is the modern Christian classic that has inspired millions. Countless people have been moved by the tragic story of how young Jim Elliot and his four friends were martyred in the Amazonian jungle in 1956 as they attempted to build a relationship with a remote tribe. But more incredible than his death is the story of Jim Elliot’s life — a story of full-throttle faith and fiery conviction.

In this best-selling modern classic Elisabeth Elliot relates the story of her husband’s short but remarkable life. From his early days of passionately “preaching” to childhood friends in Oregon to his attending Wheaton College without knowing where the tuition money would come from, Jim’s youthful exuberance for the things of God demonstrated that his was no halfhearted faith but a single-minded commitment to “be an exhibit to the value of knowing God.” Through his years of preparation and early days of testing on the mission field, right up to the day of his death, each facet of Jim’s story radiantly reflects his bold certainty that his life rested solely in the hands of the Almighty. He saw himself not as a hero but merely as a faithful servant, willing not only to die for Christ but, more important, to live boldly for God during whatever time he was given. Weaving together first-person accounts from friends with revealing excerpts from Jim’s own journals and personal letters, Elisabeth Elliot has crafted a stirring account of a man whose legacy will endure longer than he could have imagined. This gripping story of a life ignited by spiritual commitment will kindle within your own spirit a burning desire to enter fully and passionately into the adventure of faith.