Baronius Press

Daily Missal 1962 (Leather, Black)
The “1962 Daily Missal” contains the English translations and the Latin originals of the rites and texts for Holy Mass and many other liturgical ceremonies that were attended by the vast majority of Roman Catholics in the centuries before the liturgical reforms of Vatican Council II took effect. The liturgy…

Daily Missal 1962 (Leather, Burgundy)
The only complete Roman Missal according to the typical edition of 1962 approved by the Church! The “1962 Daily Missal” contains the English translations and the Latin originals of the rites and texts for Holy Mass and many other liturgical ceremonies that were attended by the vast majority of Roman…

The Little Office of the Blessed Virgin Mary
This edition includes Gregorian chant for the Little Office in traditional four-stave notation. For many people the Gregorian chant for this Office offers an introduction to the beauty of the Church's traditional liturgical heritage. This volume will help you sing all the Hours of the Little Office. Our edition includes…

Fundamentals of Catholic Dogma
Fundamentals of Catholic Dogma has been considered as the definitive single volume summary of Catholic dogmatic theology ever since its original publication in German in 1952. This great work by Ludwig Ott presents a comprehensive yet concise outline of the entire system of Catholic doctrine, laying out its sources in Scripture…

Douay-Rheims & Clementina Vulgata (side-by-side)
The Clementine Vulgate was proclaimed the official Latin Bible of the Church after the Reformation. From St. Jerome's time, through the Middle Ages, until vernacular editions were introduced, educated Catholics throughout the world were familiar with the Vulgate. Those familiar with the Douay Rheims Bible will know that it is…
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