Joseph Cardinal Ratzinger

Daughter Zion

Daughter Zion

Author: Joseph Cardinal Ratzinger

Publisher: Ignatius Press

Category: Mariology

Price: PHP 837.00

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Daughter Zion explores the biblical witness to the Church's Marian dogmas?Mary’s role as Mother of God, her virginity, the Immaculate Conception, and her Assumption into heaven. Cardinal Ratzinger examines how these beliefs are linked to the Church’s faith in Jesus Christ. Far from competing with the truth about Christ, the Church’s Marian…

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God Is Near Us

God Is Near Us

Author: Joseph Cardinal Ratzinger

Publisher: Ignatius Press

Category: Sacraments-Liturgy

Price: PHP 1,077.00

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The Second Vatican Council says, "We ought to try to discover a new reverence for the Eucharistic mystery. Something is happening that is greater than anything we can do. The liturgy is the summit toward which the activity of the Church is directed; it is the font from which all…

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Meaning of Christian Brotherhood

Meaning of Christian Brotherhood

Author: Joseph Cardinal Ratzinger

Publisher: Ignatius Press

Category: Current Issues

Price: PHP 717.00

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Written over three decades ago, Cardinal Ratzinger's profound treatise on the true meaning of Christian brotherhood is perhaps even more timely and important now as a clear statement on the biblical grounds for cooperation among believing Christians. In treating Christian brotherhood from the perspective of salvation history, Ratzinger opens up…

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Author: Joseph Cardinal Ratzinger

Publisher: Ignatius Press

Category: Biography-Memoir

Price: PHP 777.00

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Rich in humor and culture, as well as passion and love for the cause of God and of man, Milestones is the early autobiography of Pope Benedict XVI, Joseph Ratzinger. It tells the fascinating and inspiring story of his early family life, the years under Nazi oppression in Germany, and his part…

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The Feast of Faith

The Feast of Faith

Author: Joseph Cardinal Ratzinger

Publisher: Ignatius Press

Category: Philosophy-Theology

Price: PHP 1,017.00

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  Are liturgy and prayer important in an age of political crisis and the technological manipulation of human life? Yes, declares Joseph Ratzinger, now Pope Benedict XVI. Genuine worship of God involves the sacred liturgy and prayer. Only if man authentically worships God will true human dignity be protected, and…

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