The Seven Deadly Sins of Apologetics
The renaissance of Catholic apologetics has done great good for the Church. Ordinary Catholics are learning how to defend and explain the Faith—and to share it enthusiastically with others—more fluently and confidently than ever. As an experienced apologist and evangelist, Mark Brumley has seen firsthand what this renaissance has accomplished.…
Radio Replies
A must-have for every Catholic’s bookshelf! Father Leslie Rumble was the godfather of radio apologists and one of the Catholic media superstars of his day. During the 1920s and 30s his show helped millions of people understand and explain the teachings of Catholicism. Then his Radio Replies books—a three-volume set…
The Spirit and Forms of Protestantism
Louis Bouyer examines the underlying principles and teachings of the 16th century Protestant reformers. These topics include Scripture alone as source of Christian belief, justification by faith alone, God's free gift of unmerited salvation, the sovereignty of God, and the Christian responsibility toward good works. He also presents certain problematic areas…
Knowing God
Atheists deny we can know God because they deny there is a God to know. But even believers who affirm God's existence sometimes don't know him. They don't know much about God because they neglect to think much about God and what God has revealed about himself. They accept that…
Radio Replies: Three Volume Set
3 volumes, 4,374 questions and answers on every conceivable aspect of the Catholic Faith by these intrepid preachers. Clear, succinct, uncompromising, powerful. Best refutation of Protestantism in print.
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