A Cry of Stone
In this fifth novel in his series, Children of the Last Days, Michael O’Brien explores the true meaning of poverty of spirit. Loosely based on the real lives of a number of native North Americans, A Cry of Stone is the fictional account of the life of a native artist,…
Portrait of A Woman
Historically founded on the seventeenth century Stradivari family, Portrait of A Woman is a novel about Beatrice Stradivari, a young concert guitarist, and the two men who vie for her love; of an older Beatrice who, during World War II, rescues Italian Jews by crossing the Swiss border; finally, of…
Sister Mary Baruch Volume 1: The Early Years
Becky Feinstein is well-acquainted with unexpected tragedy. Growing up in New York City during the turbulent 1960s, she has already experienced her brother’s death in Vietnam and her family’s gradual drifting apart. So when her closest friend suddenly becomes gravely ill, this nice Jewish girl decides to give her an…
As Stephen Long steps ashore in England one gray dawn in May 1581, he wonders how many more Catholics will have to die to make Queen Elizabeth feel secure. Involuntarily, he trembles at the thought that soon he may be numbered among them. For in the days ahead, each time…
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