
Seven Lies About Catholic History
The world hates the Church that Jesus founded, just as He said it would (John 15:18). It reviles her doctrines, mocks her moral teachings and invents lies about her history. In every age, but especially in our modern day, historians and political powers have distorted the facts about her past…

History of the Catholic Church (Hardbound)
The Catholic Church is the longest-enduring institution in the world. Beginning with the first Christians and continuing in our present day, the Church has been planted in every nation on earth. The Catholic Church claims Jesus Christ himself as her founder, and in spite of heresy from within and hostility…

Letters to the Churches: Catholic History and the Revelation to John
The most important decision we make in this world is whether or not to accept God's gift of salvation in Jesus Christ. If we accept Christ as our Shepherd, we join the Church He instituted, live as He Teaches, and as a consequence live for all eternity with him. Letters…

Hostile Witnesses
One of the ways Jesus answered his critics was to use their own words against them—to show how even the enemies of the Faith admitted crucial facts that undermined their own position. That’s a strategy that defenders of the Faith have taken to heart and employed through the ages --…

Pioneer Priests and Makeshift Altars
In this comprehensive history, Fr. Charles Connor details the life of Catholics in the American Colonies. It’s a tale that begins with the flight of English Catholics to religious freedom in Maryland in 1634, and continues through the post-Revolutionary period, by which time the constitutions of all but four of…
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