
Your Life Begins Here

Your Life Begins Here

Author: Henry Bocala

Publisher: Central Books

Category: Catholic Living, Local

Price: PHP 400.00

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The internet is awash with advice on how to be smarter, richer, happier, more successful and other aspects of self-fulfillment; but you won’t find a better mentor than this little book. Henry Bocala puts his finger on the fundamental elements of a fulfilling and good life. In 40 bite-sized chapters…

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Contemporary Philosophical Issues in Historical Perspective

Author: Joseph M. De Torre

Publisher: UA&P Publications

Category: Current Issues, Local, Philosophy-Theology

Price: PHP 400.00

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The aim of this book is to provide a historical background for  philosophical - theoretical and practical - reflection on the cultural issues of our time and their growingly complex interrelationships. The book is divided into Three Parts, each with a cluster of interrelated subjects. Part One takes up the…

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Mysteries of Salvation History

Author: Edgardo C. de Vera

Publisher: Totus Bookstore & Publishing House

Category: Local, Mariology, Meditation-Prayer

Price: PHP 200.00

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"Reading this book will give you a realistic picture of the events that are commemorated in the 20 mysteries of Our Lady's Rosary. You will see the scenes more clearly. You will understand the words that are spoken, a little better than you understood before. You will feel what the…

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Catholic Soul

Catholic Soul

Author: Edgardo C. de Vera

Publisher: Totus Bookstore & Publishing House

Category: Apologetics, Local

Price: PHP 200.00

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"Saint Thomas Aquinas wrote the 'Summa Theologica' as a brief summary, a catechesis, of Christian Doctrine. But he wrote it in Latin. If you cannot read Latin, this little book, 'Catholic Soul' is the next best thing." -- Fr. James B. Reuter, SJ - Director, National Office of Mass Media; Author;…

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a homage in flowers

A Homage in Flowers: Canonization of Josemaria Escriva de Balaguer (with CD)

Author: Bess Briones

Publisher: Inkwell Publishing Co.

Category: Biography-Memoir, Local, Saints

Price: PHP 2,260.00

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"Hidden under this garden covered in roses, he said, is the silent effort of so many souls who with their work and prayer, their prayer and work, have won from Heaven abundant showers of grace, which makes everything fertile." - St. Josemaría Escrivá Furrow, 530 A coffee table book narrating…

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