The Organic Development of the Liturgy
How has the Liturgy of the Roman rite developed and changed in history before and after the Council of Trent? What principles have determined the boundaries of legitimate liturgical reform over the centuries? What was the Liturgical Movement? Did GuTranger, Beauduin, Guardini, Parsch, Casel, Bugnini, Jungmann, Bouyer and the Movement's…
The Incredible Catholic Mass
Here is a book that is a product of our rich Catholic heritage, one that is destined to instruct both our modern times and the future. Written with the traditional Latin Mass as its paradigm, it is nonetheless not actually about that Mass, but about the essence of the Mass…
The Catholic Mass (Hardbound)
We are going through a period of liturgical exile, explains Bishop Athanasius Schneider in this enlightening book, and the vast proliferation of modern abuses are crying out for liturgical reform. The primary source of most modern abuses, he declares, is man's narcissistic tendency to idolize himself instead of paying homage…
Jesus and the Jewish Roots of the Eucharist
In recent years, Christians everywhere are rediscovering the Jewish roots of their faith. Every year at Easter time, many believers now celebrate Passover meals (known as Seders) seeking to understand exactly what happened at Jesus' final Passover, the night before he was crucified. Jesus and the Jewish Roots of the…
Archbishop Sheen’s Book of Sacraments
His cause for canonization is progressing, and his videos and books are widely viewed and in persistent demand. But of all his writings, Archbishop Fulton Sheen's most influential and practical guides, by far, were These Are the Sacraments and Three to Get Married. These two books are once again available…
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