
Joseph of Nazareth
Saint Joseph passes through the Gospel without our hearing him utter as much as a single word. But God had selected him for a special mission: to look after two of the greatest treasures who have ever been on earth – Jesus and Mary. And Joseph has a personality of…

Saint Are Not Sad
The years between the two terrible World Wars bore witness to a revival in hagiography: numerous bestselling books took as their topic or inspiration the life of a saint. In the wake of these book-length treatments of God’s elect there followed “shorter sketches of saints, of the same decent reality,…

Joseph: The Man Closest to Jesus
Never before has all this wealth of intensely interesting and little-known facts about St. Joseph been compiled into a single book. This can truly be called a “little Summa” of St. Joseph, as the only source existing in any language of the complete life, theology and devotional history of St.…

Saint Joseph: The Man Closest to Christ (Hardcover)
What is the greatest title of Saint Joseph? While the Litany of St. Joseph is filled with many rich titles describing Joseph’s virtues and duties—such as most just, most chaste, patron of the dying, terror of demons, and protector of the Holy Church—there is one title that stands out which…

Mornings with Saint Therese (Hardcover)
Mornings with Saint Therese is a compilation of short excerpts (no more than 1-3 pages) taken from the Little Flower's writings and also from those of her close family members and friends. This hardcover book is beautifully designed inside and out, making it a perfect gift for those you love,…
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