
The Catholic Controversy

The Catholic Controversy

Author: St. Francis de Sales

Publisher: Tan Books

Category: Apologetics, Saints

Price: PHP 1,200.00

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Between 1594 and 1598, a preacher named Francois converted 72,000 Protestants to the Catholic Faith. These are his words. One of the most remarkable and well-documented events in Catholic history began when a young priest, St. Francis de Sales, volunteered to re-evangelize the Calvinists of the Chablais. Finding his preaching…

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The Dialogue of Saint Catherine of Siena

The Dialogue of Saint Catherine of Siena

Author: St. Catherine of Siena

Publisher: Tan Books

Category: Catholic Living, Saints

Price: PHP 800.00

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St Catherine of Siena's Dialogue describes the entire spiritual life through a series of conversations between God and the soul, represented by Catherine herself. Readers of The Dialogue of Saint Catherine of Siena, will find her revelations from God as informative -- and formative -- as those who recognized her…

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Relics What They Are and Why They Matter

Relics: What They Are and Why They Matter

Author: Joan Carroll Cruz

Publisher: Tan Books

Category: Saints

Price: PHP 1,020.00

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Scripture speaks of miracles wrought through relics: a dead man was raised when Elisha’s bones touched him, and the clothing of Jesus and His apostles healed the sick. In the early Church, Masses were celebrated over the bones of the martyrs, and phials of their blood have effected countless miracles.…

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Saints Becoming an Image of Christ Every Day of the Year

Saints: Becoming an Image of Christ Every Day of the Year

Author: Dawn Marie Beutner

Publisher: Ignatius Press

Category: Biography-Memoir, Saints

Price: PHP 1,680.00

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Jesus told us to be perfect, and the Second Vatican Council highlighted this command by speaking of the universal call to holiness for all Christians. How do we answer this call? One great way is to learn from and pray with the saints, the ordinary men and women who fought…

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Saints vs Scoundrels

Saints vs. Scoundrels

Author: Benjamin Wiker

Publisher: Sophia Institute Press

Category: Apologetics, Saints

Price: PHP 1,200.00

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Saints vs. Scoundrels puts you in a ringside seat where you'll witness five thrilling rounds of verbal battles between famous Catholics and infamous anti-Catholics. Round One: ST. AUGUSTINE vs. JEAN-JACQUES ROUSSEAU In the first round, St. Augustine, the 5th century Catholic bishop, argues with and (after a struggle) dismantles the…

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