
true devotion to mary

True Devotion to Mary

Author: St. Louis de Montfort

Publisher: Tan Books

Category: Classics, Mariology

Price: PHP 717.00

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"Mary has produced, together with the Holy Ghost, the greatest thing which has been or ever will be—a God-Man; and she will consequently produce the greatest saints that there will be in the end of time.”  —St. Louis de Montfort In the greatest book of Marian spirituality ever written, St. Louis de…

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The Imitation of Christ (Baronius)

The Imitation of Christ

Author: Thomas à Kempis

Publisher: Baronius Press

Category: Catholic Living, Classics

Price: PHP 1,653.00

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The Imitation of Christ by Thomas à Kempis needs no introduction. For more than five centuries it has been the most popular spiritual book second only to the Sacred Scriptures. It presents the fundamental principles of the spiritual life. The Christian soul is invited to follow Christ Who is the Way,…

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The Imitation of Christ

The Imitation of Christ (Tan)

Author: Thomas à Kempis

Publisher: Tan Books

Category: Catholic Living, Classics

Price: PHP 1,140.00

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After the Bible, The Imitation of Christ is the all-time favorite book of Catholics throughout the world. And of the English editions, none can equal this inspiring translation by Bishop Richard Challoner. This book speaks to the soul of every true Christian, reminding us of the fleeting nature of earthly joy as…

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The Dark Night of the Soul (Leather Hardback)

The Dark Night of the Soul (Leather Hardback)

Author: St. John of the Cross

Publisher: Baronius Press

Category: Catholic Living, Classics, Saints

Price: PHP 1,653.00

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St. John takes us on a journey into ourselves, a journey of knowledge and self understanding, that encompasses our failings and imperfections. It shows us how in a place beyond words we can embrace sadness and grief, and seeking God, our lives will be turned around. He describes the “arid…

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Dark Night of the Soul

Dark Night of the Soul

Author: St. John of the Cross

Publisher: Tan Books

Category: Catholic Living, Classics, Saints

Price: PHP 1,200.00

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In Dark Night of the Soul, Saint John of the Cross presents for us a portrait painted from his own experience of one who advances successfully through the struggles of the spiritual life. The dark night that St John describes is not abandonment by God but special consideration from Him…

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