Tan Books
Dark Night of the Soul
In Dark Night of the Soul, Saint John of the Cross presents for us a portrait painted from his own experience of one who advances successfully through the struggles of the spiritual life. The dark night that St John describes is not abandonment by God but special consideration from Him…
Know Thyself: 100 Guided Meditations on Humility of Heart (Hardbound)
Humility is the key to all the virtues. It’s the necessary foundation for growth in all the others. If we do not know ourselves—if we cannot see our flaws and strengths (but especially our flaws)—clearly, how can we grow in virtue? How can we begin to make ourselves less and…
An Introduction to the Devout Life
“You aim at true devotion, my dear Philothea, because, as a Christian, you know how acceptable it is to the Divine Majesty. But inasmuch as trifling errors at the outset of any undertaking are wont to increase rapidly as we advance, frequently becoming almost irreparable, it is needful that, first…
Thirty Favorite Novenas
Short novena prayers to Our Lady, St. Joseph, St. Anne, St. Michael, St. Jude, St. Anthony, St. Gerard, St. Rita, St. Therese, Holy Angels, Poor Souls, etc.
Catholic Story Coloring Book: Our Lady of Pellevoisin
The story of Our Lady's visits to 32 year old Estelle Faguette at Pellevoisin, France in 1875. Estelle was cured of a terrible, fatal illness. In the apparition Our Lady asked for devotion to the Sacred Heart Scapular, and she promised the conversion of sinners.
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